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Performance Enhancement


One of the ETLs in production was paused due to a performance issue. This presented an opportunity to work on fine-tuning the performance. Numerous approaches in this documentation is discussed without giving out the intricacies of the ETL.

ETL Architecture



Though multiple approaches were tried, we will discuss the best practices that fit the need. The methods discussed are more relevant to the problem at hand, as every scenario is different. It's important to know that choosing an approach based on the overall architecture will provide the best results.

Repartitioning Target table: PySpark Doc-repartition

As discussed in the architecture, the target table which is read for performing some transformations by joining with the source data frames, repartitioning the target table showed significant improvement in the overall execution time. Although Spark repartition is considered to be expensive as it involves shuffling of data, this was implemented as it was believed to ease the join condition in the long run.

df.repartition(numPartitions, *cols)

Suggessted optimal alternative- coalesce() An alternative approach if there is a need for repartitioning the dataframe with minimal shuffling of data.

PySpark Doc-coalesce

It's important to keep in mind that repartitioning dataframes on unique columns such at date-key may result in a small file problem

Broadcast join: PySpark Broadcast join

The source data frames(smaller than the target table) had to be joined to the newly partitioned target table for some transformations. Since this resulted in a small data frame - large data frame scenario, the immediate approach was to broadcast the smaller dataframe- as this may reduce data shuffling.

Although on paper this approach seemed a feasible option, it turned out not to be viable since no significant boost in terms of performance was observed.

Cache or Persist:

This approach showed significant improvement in performance and complemented the repartitioning of the target table. After extracting the source data frames and joining them, numerous transformations were in place which increased the logical query plan for execution. Therefore, after analyzing the logical plan of the data frame, as the sources were used repeatedly, caching the dataframe before performing additional transformations reduced the logical plan considerably.

Note: extended can be used to get the physical plan
PySpark df.explain()

This article highlights how Spark leverages caching- Towards Data Science

It's important to know that caching the data frame is still a cost and hence may result in failures due to out of memory exception if used for more extensive data frames.

Note: Since Spark uses lazy evaluation, in order to leverage the optimization techniques for a transformation, an action needs to be performed- such as collect(), count() etc

withColumn() v/s select():

withColumn returns a new Data Frame, used for adding or replacing an existing column. Using this method iteratively to add or modify multiple columns may result in substantial query plans which reduces overall performance. Instead, a better approach would be to use the select statement, even for multiple columns, which still returns a new data frame. Although on fewer columns, it is challenging to measure the difference in performance, this would still be an optimal approach in the long run. PySpark withColumn()


The approaches discussed above are some optimization techniques that best suited the problem at hand. A key strategy that will increase performance is figuring out- how to reduce data shuffle?

More guidelines are provided in the official Spark documentation- Performance Tuning. As discussed earlier, performance tuning is a huge challenge, and understanding the data, architecture, and business goals are some nuances that will help you choose optimal approaches.